Asahi GUIDE WIRES – Undervisning

Asahi GUIDE WIRES – Undervisning
ETOSS: Educational Total Occlusion Simulation System ETOSS er et simulator system som gjør det mulig å teste ASAHI wires i en syntetisk etterligning av en totalokklusjon. De ulike wires' egenskaper er enkelt å studere ved hjelp av to kamera som i to plan filmer wirens bevegelser. På den måten kan man på en enkel måte erfare forskjellen på de ulike wires styrbarhet/respons. Gjør en avtale med oss, og vi stiller ETOSS simulator system gratis til disposisjo...


Composite Core Design Listening to the needs of physicians and drawing on the skills of their master craftsmen, Asahi Intecc created ACTONE: an ingenious enhancement of the 10 micron core wire that forms part of their guidewire’s unique composite core design.  Read more in the brochure below....

Tornus – Microcatheter

Tornus – Microcatheter
Opens the door with its advanced driving forceAsahi Tornus catheter is a favorite among CTO operators for crossing resistant lesions that cannot be crossed with a balloon dilation catheter. Its braided wire design and spiral-shaped tip can be screwed into occlusions, which helps pull the catheter forward without pushing it. it is best to have CTO tools pull their way across lesions instead of being pushed, which may cause vessel damage. Tornus uses a braid

Okay II Hemostatic valve / Y connector

Okay II Hemostatic valve / Y connector
Minimizing stress, maximizing possibilities Combining the ease-of-use “one-touch-design” with a locking mechanism Large Lumen (10 Fr, 3,33 mm) Allows for use in combination with various Products Superior design Facilitates single-handed operation Minimal blood loss Two valves (hemostatic and fixed) reduce blood loss Ease-of-use Hemostatic valve features a locking mechanism

SheatLess – Guiding Catheter

SheatLess – Guiding Catheter
Larger catheter lumen for the same size puncture site The Eaucath SheathLess guiding catheter is designed to: Minimise the radial puncture site whilst providing a larger inner lumen Hydrophilic coating enhances catheter trackability through tortuous vessels Negates the need for a sheath during PCI Long dilator provided with each catheter Full range of shapes provided. See below